Monday, April 13, 2015

Why do humans have different physical characteristics?

        In my English Class, we started a project called Genius Hour. We are supposed to think of a topic and present it to the class. It must be creative, interesting, and educational. For the next few weeks we must research and prepare for the presentation.
       For my presentation , I will be sharing the reasons behind our physical human characteristics. Every little detail in our features have a reason behind them .Of course we know our features are the way they are due to our enviorment and climate of where our bloodlines come from, but do we truly know why? This is something I have been curious about for the past year but never fully researched about it. I think it will be a great project for my genius hour because I find full interest in it.
      My project will include not only the reasearch I collected about the adaptions and mutations of our characteristics,but also migration from early life and what impact it put on humans. Why are some peoples hair curlier than others? Why do our skin tones vary? Why do our eyes differ in shape and color ? These are questions that I have had as well as others and will hopefully be answered in my presentation.